Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fun Stuff

Rishon was sleeping on our bed like this. I thought it was cute.
He thinks he's helping mama with the dishes.

This is what happens when you help mama with the dishes.
We went for another walk and Rishon had so much fun.
We walked down to the river.

All dressed up for Sunday Church.
He wouldn't stand still so I could get a good picture of his outfit.
Just being cute and making messes.
Playing with Sully in mama's wagon.

I don't remember why he had been crying.
He figured out how to unzip Sully all by himself.
"Here I comes!!!"
"I'm going to get you!!!!"
"I got you."
We went to the beach on Saturday. It was really cold and windy and the water was really rough.

Went for another walk. Rishon walked all the way from the house to the end of the road all by himself.

We went bowling on Sunday with the church.
Nine months pregnant.

Rishon was tired but he was having fun. Every time someone got a strike he would clap.
Look who's in the window. How did you get in the window?
Oh daddy.


rebekah said...

Jo, I love the pictures!!!!! I'm so glad you are getting outside and walking. Maybe it will get that baby moving. Can't wait to love on that little boy.

Suzie said...

Tell Jason that was not nice.

Did you win at bowling?

Love Rishon with his wet hair....can't wait to see him!!

Kassandra said...

Jo!!!!! We are DYING for pictures of Wesson!!! :o) hope you're doing well, I'll call you soon. :o)