Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here are the pictures of us fishing on the Saturday before my family came.

It was so boring and I forgot to bring my ipod.

Later in the day we went walking in our back yard.  We want to put a trail though the back yard so we can get the truck back there to get fire wood and so that we can have a nice path to go walking on.  We were trying to mark out a trail and Jason found this owl setting a a tree.  These were the best pictures a could get of it before it flew off.  We looked at it through the binoculars and it had big round yellow eyes and it was looking at us.  It was really neat.

We found yummy red currants that we didn't know we had.
Jock I found one of those really big spiders and I tried to get a picture of it for you but it wouldn't hold still.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Here's picture of our bedroom and the furniture Jason's mom got us.


Wile e

Here's the belly picture for you Krista.

I look fat.

Friday, August 7, 2009

This is Jason way of trying out our new camera.  I was trying to make dinner.  

So annoying. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello everybody.  I don't have any pictures to post yet because I haven't put them on my computer yet but I just wanted to set up this blog so it would be ready when I'm ready.  I will more than likely be calling some of you (Tobi) to help me with this.