Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Illiamna, Mommy, Daddy, and Rishon

I got these really nice pictures of Illiamna.

Nooooooooo! He's turning into his auntie Krista! Somebody stop him!

Oopsie! I don't think it's supposed to be worn like that. Silly boy.

Wearing dad's ear things.

He was fast asleep in these pictures. Sleeping with his eyes open.

Me and my baby.

There's a smile.
"Mom! not in front of the camera!!!!!"

This is our Humphrey pose.

Men in Carhartts.

"Oh, nice and clean. I love bath time."

"You're supposed to be sleeping."

Look who fell asleep in the rocking chair.

Rishon in the sweater Mrs. Ronnie made for him.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And more picture of Rishon

He had just gotten a bath. Aunt Glee got him this outfit. It's one of my favorites.
His hair was all wispy and he was so cute.
He's trying to act like a man.......
but he's still my baby.

These are the flowers Jason got for me for our anniversary. They are Blue Hyacinth. I thought I got a picture of the whole plant but I guess I didn't and now they are all dead so I can't take a picture now.
Here's a close up. Aren't they pretty?
Sleeping in his swing. Aunt Glee got him this outfit too.
He's perfecting his imitation of auntie Krista.
"Hello, auntie Krista."
He got these little knots in his hair. They look like baby dreadlocks.
Yep, this one was born in Homer.