Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rishon and Stuff

"I'm so cute."
I found him sleeping like this when I went to check on him.
This is one of Rishon favorite things to do. Play with the wires under the seat.

This little boy is supposed to be sleeping.

Here's the garden fence. It turned out real nice.

Where's Wile e?

Here's the porch roof on the front of the house.

The back the the house.
Our chickens.

Bath time.
Wild child.
"Look, I look like daddy."
"Look, I look like Uncle Caleb."
Working on the porch roof. This is the side of the house.
We got the plywood on. This is the back of the house.
AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! There's a little monster under my bed!!!!!!!!!

Look what Rishon found out he could do.