Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas and Stuff

Jason took this picture. I'm not sure why but I think maybe he was trying to get a picture of Rishon standing up by himself.
More sleeping pictures.

This is what Rishon looks like when he's trying to help mama do the Christmas baking.
I gave him a spoon with chocolate on it and you can see what he did with it.
Pillow hair.

Christmas Day

We got this bath book for Rishon.
He was pretty excited about all his new toys.
Showing his book to Daddy.
Playing with his blocks from Grandma Hoffman.

This was one of his favorites. A little piano with a lot of buttons to push. He loved it.
Trying to help daddy get it out faster.

Rishon and Trouble (the dog we were dog setting).

Rishon loved Trouble.
He would go looking for him every day so he could play with him.

Silly boy.
Rishon in his little red chair.

So, I put Rishon in his play pin and went down stairs to do something and when I came back I found out Rishon had grabbed this pot of dirt of the ledge and was playing in it and eating it.
Rishon's piano broke the same day he got it so his Grandma Hoffman ordered him a new one and he was so happy to get it.
Jason took these pictures. Rishon was really tired so we put him to bed a little early and he must have had a bad dream because he woke up screaming crying a little while latter and I went and got him and was holding him on the couch. Jason rocked him back to sleep a little while latter. Poor kid.

I bought these shelves for the baby room and Jason had Rishon help him but it together. It was so cute.

1 comment:

rebekah said...

Jo he's so cute. I love his little teeth. :)