Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We took our boat out for the first time and went across the bay.  
 Going through Homer harbor

 We made it across.

 Wesson had fun.  He rode next to Jason most of the time.

 Poor Adah she hated her life jacket.  She slept like this for most of the trip.
 I couldn't get a strait picture.

We saw two otters.  One of them had a baby but she went away before I could get a picture.  The other one didn't seem to care at all.

These were the last pictures I got then our camera broke.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fun Times

Aunty Bekah visits 

 Hotdogs on the beach

 I made these capes for the boys.  So cute.

 Camping trip

 Wesson and Adah playing in the playpen.