These are pictures of the shed roof that Jason's been working on.
ALASK BABY!!!!!!!!! Rishon with Grandpa Humphrey. "Ah, grandpa can you maybe fix my hood?"
Rishon with Grandma Humphrey. "He's playing the game wrong. He won't listen to me." "You should have played that card." "Give me those card. I'll show you how to play this game right." "Grandma's going to rock me to sleep." Sleeping baby. Smiling in his sleep. Like grandpa like grandson. Jock in the toy section at Fred Meyer. Pam's cow. Rishon in his hi-chair. Playing skip-bo. Are you loosing Jock?
Trip to the toy store in Homer. Jock, come away from the Ugly Dolls. I think this rat is in a state of complete shock. Uncle Jock and Rishon at church.
Jason's mom had all these bird feeders outside her back door.
Rishon with Great Grandma Wilson. Rishon with Great Grandma Hoffman. Rishon with one of his great cousins. He had so much fun with all the younger people. He loved it. Rishon sleeping on his new pillow. Rishon with his Great Grandpa Hoffman. Blue Herring This is Jason's cousin Jennifer's daughter and her little lamb. Sleeping and Great Grandpa and Grandma Hoffmans' bed. Rishon with his Great Great Grandma Scheweda. Rishon with his Great Uncle Gary helping him ride an elephant. These are some of my favorite pictures. Rishon playing with daddy. Rishon on the airplane. "How many fingers can I fit in my mouth?" Where's Wile e? Rishon in the outfit grandpa got him for Christmas.