Baby Rishon Braden Hoffman was born at 6:34 pm on Novermber 29 2009. He was 9lb 8oz and 22in long. He was born by emergency c-section because he had a true knot in his cord. Every thing went well and baby and I are doing good.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I don't have much to post this time. I did try to post a video but it was taking way to long to load.
Clean eggs.
Look! Snow! The wind blew it all away that night but it snowed some more again.
This was the first egg laid in the box and so far we found all of them in the box.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Name That Chicken
What are the chickens doing?
They're taking a dust bath. It's suppose to help keep the parasites down.
They're taking a dust bath. It's suppose to help keep the parasites down.
Starlet's furry kitty friends. (I don't think she really likes them much.)
He liked posing for me.
He thinks he's just the most beautiful cat on the world.
This is Sockeye. He was more interested in his food then posing for the camera.
Chicken #3 This hen is just one of the red hens.
Chicken #4 This hen is the other red hen.
Roosting chickens. I guess the one hen just wanted everybody to see her beautiful big rear.
Where's Wile e? Can you find the Wile e dog?
That girl needs help! She looks like she's about to pop! How did she get so big?
He liked posing for me.
He thinks he's just the most beautiful cat on the world.
This is Sockeye. He was more interested in his food then posing for the camera.
Name That Chicken
Okay people (Humphrey family and Aaron) our chickens need names so help us name our chickens.
I already named this one. She is a little smaller then the others and she's also the prettiest one. Her name is Rosie after Rosie's Walk.
Chicken #1 This hen is the only black hen we have. She's also kind of a bully and likes to peck the other hens so she can have all the food. I guess her kind of chicken is suppose to make a good mom because they're really protective.
Chicken #2 The chivalrous rooster. He's a very good rooster and always is watching out for his hens and he lets them have first pickings on the food.
Okay people (Humphrey family and Aaron) our chickens need names so help us name our chickens.
I already named this one. She is a little smaller then the others and she's also the prettiest one. Her name is Rosie after Rosie's Walk.
Chicken #1 This hen is the only black hen we have. She's also kind of a bully and likes to peck the other hens so she can have all the food. I guess her kind of chicken is suppose to make a good mom because they're really protective.
Chicken #2 The chivalrous rooster. He's a very good rooster and always is watching out for his hens and he lets them have first pickings on the food.
Chicken #3 This hen is just one of the red hens.
Chicken #4 This hen is the other red hen.
Roosting chickens. I guess the one hen just wanted everybody to see her beautiful big rear.
Where's Wile e? Can you find the Wile e dog?
That girl needs help! She looks like she's about to pop! How did she get so big?
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