Okay, it seems that there's a little bit of confusion out there about who Starlet is but it's my fault because I never said. I guess I thought that since my family knew everybody else would know. Starlet is our neighbor's dog and we were just dog sitting her for about a week. Her owners came back last night and took her away and now I really miss her. It was nice to have her there with me all day but I'll have a baby soon so I want be so lonely.
Well my pregnancy has been going really well. I am a little uncomfortable but nothing to bad. I'm still sleeping rather well at night except for the times I have to get up at night and take the long walk down stairs to go to the bathroom. I think that because I have such a well proportioned body and my body carries the baby so well that that's why I have not had so much discomfort. I was doing really well and then my sciatic nerve started acting up. That really hurt and I was having a hard time walking. One of the midwives got me into physical therapy witch helped a lot. The lady there showed me some stretches I could do and gave me a back brace to wear. The back brace helps a lot the the stretches fill good. So now we just have to wait and see how thing go up till the birth.
Coming up in the next post: Name that chicken, Where's Wile e, and Starlet's fury kitty companions